Voni To Escape from the Rock!

On Sunday, August 7 th at 9:00 a.m. TWIM Coach Voni Oerman will lead a cadre of stalwart aquatic warriors into the rather chilly waters of San Francisco Bay, as they escape from the Rock and stroke toward Aquatic Park, some 1.5 miles distant, and join the colossal fun of the 2022 Alcatraz Sharkfest Swim!

As one authority put it, “With around 1.5 miles of swimming in 60-degree water, this event is not for the faint of heart”

Obviously, he hasn’t met Coach Voni, a true Force of Nature! And don’t worry, sharks are extremely rare in these waters!

She has assembled an attack squad of 11, with 4 from here in Washington, 3 from San Diego and 4 from Colorado, one of whom has never even been a swimmer before, and this will be his first event! Not even an ordinary swim meet!

For weeks now they have been gathering of a Sunday for preparation swims in Sound and lake and to deal with “Open Water Freakout”, as Coach Voni so aptly puts it.

Our own TWIM reporter Jessi Gable will be swimming in and reporting on this Rocking of the Worlds, this Parting of the Waters.

Good luck to all! Your team will be rooting you on from afar!

Rally around the Old Blue and White!

— Tom Walker

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